Programmes for Students: Accelerating Literacy Learning

PFS ALL is a Ministry of Education funded contract available for teachers of students in years 3-8. The focus of this work is on accelerating literacy learning and achievement for students who are not yet achieving at expected curriculum level.

The support provided is considered a Tier 2 support, providing additional teaching support on top of that a student would ordinarily receive, in order to accelerate progress and achievement. The definition of acceleration is that students gain more than a year’s progress within a year. 

The approaches used follow the revised NZC - English and the structured literacy approaches to teaching reading and writing (including oral language), with support tailored to the learning and social needs of students in their educational and community setting and connected to life outside the classroom.

Through targeted support, teachers develop and increase their knowledge of accelerative practices for students and akonga who are not meeting curriculum expectations in literacy. Teachers are mentored to use accelerative practices aligned to structure literacy principles and NZC English (2024). Support is provided to use assessment data, including e-asTTle, Adaptive Bryant, DIBELS to determine what targeted support needs to be provided to help meet learning needs and monitor progress.

This support provided by Vision Ed literacy mentors follows the hybrid model and includes:

• Face to face workshops

• In school coaching and mentoring

• On line workshops linked to student achievement data – and subsequent learning needs

• Targeted cluster meetings – on line and face to face – to explore and develop practices specific to effective literacy pedagogy research and practice

• Professional readings and discussion groups

The project runs for a full school year (February to December) and provides relief funding for 8-10 days per teacher to ensure they are able to participate fully in the project.

For further information please contact Vision Ed literacy  - or check MOE website.