Alison Davis

PHD, MA Ed Admin 1st class hons – director Vision

Dr Alison Davis

Alison has written her PHD focused on the principles of explicit instruction and formative assessment – raising achievement in Reading Comprehension (2006). Her MA first class hons was on formative assessment to raise achievement in writing; Since then, she has written 5 teacher texts, numerous papers and presented keynote addresses and workshops at conferences in NZ, Australia, Asia, USA, Europe and Egypt. She also wrote the teacher support notes for Oxford literacy junior reading programme (2015) and a chapter in a 2020 e text published by Oxford university press. Additionally, Alison has, in previous years, written a wide range of material for the Ministry including online lessons during COVID, Review of Literacy online during COVID, Effective literacy texts – 3 – national standards, literacy learning progressions and exemplars for Learning Progression framework -PACT. 

She has wide experience in using and supporting leadership and teacher change practices to improve outcomes for students in literacy. This includes strong knowledge and expertise in use of data to develop strong work programmes to address and support student learning. Assessment tools include asTTle writing, asTTle reading, the Adaptive Bryant assessment tool and DIBELS early literacy skill assessments. She is also very experienced in supporting the revised NZC English Curriculum content and support materials 

Alison has completed the Best Start Literacy workshop - UCx CWI01ucXA Better Start to Reading and has wide experience in supporting students to use the Ready to Read Phonics Plus series and the scope and sequence framework that underpin this resource.