Doreen Jukes

Bachelor Teaching and Learning

Doreen Jukes

Doreen has been a facilitator with Vision Education for 10 years and has worked in the Programmes for Students Accelerating literacy learning and PLD team – literacy - over this time. Her work supporting literacy accelerative practices, and in leading change across both rural and large urban schools has been highly regarded by principals, leaders and teachers. Doreen is approved to provide structure literacy support through PFS and is also approved to provide culturally responsive pedagogy PLD. She holds a certificate from University of Canterbury to verify she successfully completed training and study towards CWI01ucX: A Better Start to Reading and is completing an IDA accredited programme to mentor and support teachers to implement structured literacy programmes aligned to the Science of Learning and the Science of Reading following the key principles of effective instruction as promoted through the International Dyslexia Association. Doreen has strong knowledge of the revised English Curriculum (2024), having worked with this document in 2024, and in use of assessment tools that include asTTle reading, asTTLe writing, Adaptive Bryant, Dibels and diagnostic assessments such as letter sound tests, psudeo word tests, and records of oral reading. She is trained to introduce and support teachers to use the Ready to Read scope and sequence, along with a range of other resources used by schools. She is also trained and experiences in facilitating formative assessment practices – analysis, use and evaluation of data and shifts in achievement - across all areas of NZC. This includes gathering and use of student and whanau voice, leading student focus groups and action planning/self-assessment.