Angela Smith
Bachelor Teaching and Learning
Angela was previous principal at a rural school south of Auckland where she implemented and supported Best Start literacy across her junior staff and worked very closely in this role with the RTLB for the area. In her role as principal Angela implemented practices drawing on UDL, formative assessment and growth mind set. Angela is also very familiar with ELL teaching approaches and has drawn on this knowledge and experience both as a school leader and as a member of the Vision Education literacy team. In 2024 Angela lead a number of Programmes for Students: Accelerating literacy learning initiatives across primary and intermediate schools. This work was supported by her wide experience with literacy assessment, supporting collecting analysis and use of data via diagnostic, formative and summative literacy tools. Tools included use and analysis of student data from the assessment tools of asTTle writing, asTTle reading, Adaptive Bryant, and Dibels. Diagnostic assessment expertise includes supporting teachers to administer and analyse data from pseudo word assessments, records of oral reading, letter sound tests and formative practices of self-assessment, peer assessment, feedback and reflective practice. She is experienced in supporting schools implement the revised NZC English curriculum years 0-6 and the pedagogies and support materials that are integral to this curriculum implementation.